How to Live a Long Life


送交者: xj 于 2005-11-14, 15:15:32:

Comment: it lacks the most scientifically proved principle:

get married when you are above 80. :-)

How to Live a Long Life

As technology and medicine evolve over time, the life expectancy in most countries is increasing. There are a few ways, though, of increasing the odds that you make it to that ripe old age of 85 and beyond.


1. Eat healthy. Some health professionals will attest that eating healthy is more important to your body than getting regular exercise. Indulge only when necessary and have a well-balanced diet. Read and understand "Nutrition Facts".
2. Introduce regular exercise into your life. While most people lead quite busy lives, the benefits of exercise usually present themselves in all areas of your life. Gradually introducing exercise will lead to longer patterns of fitness rather than adopting a harsh workout regime each New Year's.
3. Get regular sleep. It's not as important to get a certain number of hours of sleep, so much as it is to get the same amount of sleep, at the same time, day in and day out. Sleep gives your body a chance to heal and regenerate; having a stable sleeping routine will help your body take care of itself more easily.
4. Drink water. This universal solvent is a most effective weapon against toxins and many other violators. It flushes out your system like nothing else does.
5. Look both ways before you cross the street. Children are taught this when growing up and many adults take it for granted, be sure that approaching vehicles are coming to a complete stop before entering the intersection as a pedestrian.
6. Reduce stress and depression in your life. This can have a very negative impact on your heart, and other physiology. Learn to cope with stress by trying different relaxation techniques or simply by looking at things differently. Take deep breaths during your most stressful moments.
7. Give up smoking. While tobacco companies still stand by their claims that smoking does not cause cancer, there is a consensus in the medical community that smoking is very hazardous to your health and can often result in premature death. Attempt to break the addiction by trying nicotine gum, or "The Patch."
8. Avoid potentially dangerous activities that frequently or occasionally end in death or dismemberment, such as skydiving, bullfighting, military enlistment, or marriage (just kidding).
9. Get yearly physical check-ups. Identifying potentially deadly health problems early can result in their eradication.
10. Recent studies have shown that antioxidants may slow the process of aging. Anti-oxidants can be found in a number of fruits and vegetables and can also be found in herbal supplements and teas.
11. Wear protective head gear when necessary, whether it's while riding a bike or skateboard, or working on a construction site. While the human skull is quite thick and sturdy, severe head trauma can result from the brain being jostled around inside the skull from an impact, potentially resulting in permanent brain damage or even death.
12. Avoid overindulgence. Too much of anything can cause harm, whether it be food, drink, drugs, or even medicine -- even Tylenol can be fatal if ingested in great enough quantity. Non-prescription and illegal drugs may contain chemicals and/or other drugs which are unfit for human consumption, but keep in mind that alcohol and tobacco are among the worst drugs. Don't forget that caffeine is also a drug. Any drug, from alcohol to aspirin, carries with it a risk of shortening and ending your life. If you do decide to use any drugs, be responsible -- do your research, make sure you understand their properties and side effects, and use them appropriately. The same applies to food -- read nutrition labels and do some research to understand what the information means to your health. With anything you ingest, moderation is key.
13. Wear sunblock. Even if you're dark skinned and have no history of skin cancer in your family, the increasing number of UVA and UVB rays hitting the Earth from the sun pose a threat to anyone and everyone who spends more than 15 minutes a day out of the house or office. Get SPF 30 or higher.
14. Don't be afraid. Seriously, the worst stress comes from the inside. If you are in constant fear of anything or everything (phobias) you become as fragile as an ant, asking for life to step on you. Be as passive and easy going as you can. There are bigger things like earthquakes, stray bullets, automobiles and airplanes that can kill in an instant but which you cannot defend against, and aren't afraid of anyway, right? Fear is a tool, and it has a purpose, but it is most often bad for your well-being. If anything, beware.


* There are moisturizers (both facial and bodily) with built-in sunblock that don't make you smell like you just came from the beach. In addition to keeping your skin protected, lotion will help keep it firm.
* Study the lifestyles and habits of "centenarians" - people who've lived past 100 years old.
* While the body is always an important factor in long life, do not neglect your psychological health. What good is having a body that can live for 120 years if your brain dies from the inside out after only 50? If you experience any changes in your attitudes or behaviors, such as a quickening of the temper, a dulling of the senses, or a slowness in speech or thought, then consult a mental health professional. It may be nothing, but better safe than sorry. Also, reducing stress and anxiety will help keep your mind healthy.



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