Agreed w/ steve. 摸石头过河 can be interpreted on any behavior


送交者: ylight 于 2007-07-01, 17:39:12:

回答: Btw, how could you interpret my response to be "同意我说的摸石头过河"? 由 steven 于 2007-06-30, 12:25:07:

I agree with Steve. Moreover, 摸石头过河 is a phrase can be interpreted on any behavior

No matter what the CCP's policies are, it is 摸石头过河, even if they move backward, or if they conflict with the People's interests. The objective and the only one of CCP's is to 坚持一党 dictatorship. 中共领导人胡锦涛近日指出,中国政治制度的现代化尝试,绝不能危及中共的一党统治.



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