Now most of the latest softwares can run in the mac platform......


送交者: mangolasi 于 2007-06-16, 04:43:54:

回答: 主要是苹果对很多软件不兼容, 由 shine 于 2007-06-15, 20:35:25:

And things like iTune is Mac native.........

And Mac is very straightfoward.......

Mac is not only beautiful in the exterior. The interface of OS X is also much much more beautiful (and if you don't mind using up a little system resource, there are also sprinkles of humor here or there, like the jumping icon if you click some application in the dock--though I switch that function off). The icon design are much much more beautiful. I think Mac suits you better. To get a favor of Mac, go to some apple store to try playing it.

And right now, the virus and spyware problem in Mac is still not an important issue (though we can not rest on this)....



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