Richard Dawkins实在是太牛了


送交者: 大漠孤烟 于 2007-06-08, 16:47:35:

在Youtube里看到Richard Dawkins的一些片断,可能是从某专题片里摘录的(不知道是什么),我现在把他的一些“语录”贴上来,大家看是不是很牛?(标点是我加的)

About spirituality (you can be passionate about life without being religious -- the most powerful rendition I've ever encountered):

There must be more than just this world, than just this life -- but how much more do you want? We are going to die and that makes us the lucky ones...most people, they are never going to die because they are never going to be born; the number of people who could be here in my place outnumber the sand grains of Sahara; if you think about all the different ways which our genes could be permuted -- you and I are quite grotesquely lucky to be here; the number of events that had to happen in order for you to exist, in order for me to exist -- we are previliged to be alive; we should make the most of our time on this world


About being an Atheist:

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in -- some of us just go one god further





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