Depends, Shares in circulation are only a small portion of outstanding share.


送交者: PhonyDoctorPhD 于 2007-06-06, 01:15:33:

回答: 咱们不会玩股票也不大感兴趣但忍不住问个傻问题 由 HunHunSheng 于 2007-06-05, 14:25:13:

You are right in that value of equity has not balance
sheet impact. However,low equity value affects the
way a company raise capital. Prime ways for raising
capitals are two:
1. Sell additional/existing shares or;
2. To borrow, to incur debt

High Tech companies with little assets have difficulty
borrowing due to lack of tangible assets as collaterals,
as a result, low share price affect low asset
companies more than asset heavy ones...



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