Answers to follow up post


送交者: 万精油 于 2007-05-21, 08:27:27:

回答: 千里江陵一日还 (后记) 由 万精油 于 2007-05-21, 07:11:50:

This is to answer all the follow ups of my post:

To Fuzzlogic:
Yes, living in Guilin for 3-6 month would be really nice.

To yawl

I am investigating on weeb-feed features in my forum. But I don't
think it will be up any time soon. I am a slow person.

To Latino2

Yes, watching the giant budah on the boat is an option. But, I feel
it's like watching it in a movie, you cannot appreciate the 'big'
unless you are close to it.

To whatsup

I use Wu-Bi (5-stroke) input method most of the time.

To home

I have no objection that you put the series in the
readersforum. Thank you.



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