

送交者: jhuang 于 2007-05-13, 23:45:52:

回答: 老方就不应该接受万疯这个有名的神经病采访 由 bluesea 于 2007-05-13, 23:27:17:

他反应还是很灵光的,他不傻,也不疯,我甚至怀疑他真的相信中医。他可能倒是Enjoy和老方抬杠的咄咄逼人的气势,过去主持成人节目,有些Passion很正常。他在辩论中不Take Serious,想这么来就胡来,本坛也有这种人。的确是没教养,但是也是这场辩论性质主办方没有把握好。我想起了Richard


I remember being shocked when visiting a university
debating society to debate with creationists. At dinner after the debate, I was placed next to a young woman who had made a relatively powerful speech in favour of creationism. She clearly couldn't be a creationist, so I
asked her to tell me honestly why she had done it. She freely admitted that she was simply practising her debating skills, and found it more challenging to advocate a position in which she did not believe.
Apparently it is common practice in university debating societies for speakers simply to be told on which side they are to speak. Their own beliefs don't come into it. I had come a long way to perform the disagreeable task of public speaking, because I believed in the truth of the motion that I had been asked to propose. When I discovered that members of the society were using the motion as a vehicle for playing arguing games, I resolved to decline future invitations from debating societies that encourage insincere advocacy on issues where scientific truth is at stake.



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