真假李逵:方博士vs. 林”博士”们


送交者: asimpleday 于 2007-05-11, 17:53:27:

Many overseas “experts” and "doctors" spring up in China. Many if not the majority of the public are gullible and naive. It is a tough job for you Fang. Keep the good work. Some if not many domestic media so far as I have observed are stupid, foolish and misleading. I usually reserve those words for my ultimate defense next to the four letter words. Sorry for using the words this time, I have to use the words because they deserve. I still love to assume that those media being more naïve and uneducated than truly intelligence insufficient. Very possible the profit has diluted their IQ. It is just a proper description after an objective observation. Because there are 愚蠢的媒体,ergo there are 伪学者的舞台. Similar and many quacks do exist in the U.S. However, they are not embraced with such a warm welcome by the mainstream media. There are fervent followers for sure, at least they mostly appear at late night and labeled with "paid program". However, I would and should never give up my hope base on my firm believe that our public would sooner or later be educated and sophisticate enough to discern.



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