尽管需要的概率还是小 But 比斑竹估计的大.


送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2007-05-01, 14:24:19:

回答: who care if its 0.001 vs. 0.00001 anyway. 白大哥也不care的 由 Latino2 于 2007-05-01, 14:14:05:

要是有些父母听了斑竹的没有存脐带血万一以后需要了会马斯斑竹. I know many couples debate on this issue. If teh wife insist on cord blood banking, the husband will
usually follow. If they had not brought up the issue,
the jit wwas fine. If the issue was brought up andthey
decided not to do it but later found they need it,
they would hate the each other



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