Yes, I agree 两性状(A&B)相关是观察到的现像,并不能证明A引起B。


送交者: zzzz2008 于 2007-04-30, 15:11:19:

回答: 消消气, 给你重放一下: 由 Latino2 于 2007-04-30, 15:00:02:

Why does he emphasize A不引起B if an association was already observed? If he wants to KePu, he needs to persuade someone like me who "根本不懂科学证明的原则".
It is a waste of time if the conversation is not civil anymore. I know 方舟子没有兴趣听取关于为人处事的任何忠告But I can't help saying that it is not a smart thing to alienate the supporters.



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