For simple dislocation, of course there is no need for invasive surgery.


送交者: steven 于 2007-12-13, 17:33:37:

回答: 正确的推拿按摩有效,跟物理治疗一个原理 由 老中一号 于 2007-12-13, 17:14:40:

However, to say "南蛮的跌打就非常有效" is definitely overstate. Many people visit those 南蛮跌打 ended getting a lot worse if their problems aren't simple "dislocations." 南蛮跌打 has no way to diagnose labrum torn, and their so-called 跌打 can only make things worse. My brother-in-law was one of those 港灿, and ended up he needed cast. His tendon was torn, and 跌打 made the injury worse. In other word, 南蛮跌打 is bullshit, if 南蛮跌打 can cure someone, chances are that person don't even need any treatment.



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