Note on Xiao’s open letter


送交者: Yush 于 2007-12-11, 16:09:49:

回答: Xiao Chuanguo's open letter to the media all over the country, ... 由 Yush 于 2007-12-11, 11:45:00:

Note on Xiao’s open letter


Science already investigated and cleared Xiao’s false plagiarism charge against Dr. Fang in 2001, see The Truth of So Called “Solid Evidence of Fang Zhouzi’s Plagiarism” (“方舟子剽窃铁证如山”的真相) and other articles.

Science reported Dr. Fang and the New Threads right before and after Xiao’s open letter was published:
Science Volume 312, Number 5771, Issue of 14 April 2006
Science Volume 314. pp. 1366-1367 December 2006
The latter reported the three defamation lawsuits, including the Xiao vs. Fang case, that Dr. Fang just lost. Xiao accused of the reporter of biased reporting, see Exposing the Secret of Science Magazine’s 2001 Investigation of Fang Zhouzi’s Plagiarism (美国科学杂志2001年调查方舟子抄袭内幕曝光) originally posted by Xiao in his pen name Porter (搬运工) and re-posted on the New Threads Reader’s Forum by someone else.



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