这个美国记者也够固执的: Michael Sneed今天还在发文暗示警方掌握的疑犯另有其人


送交者: 4U4luC2 于 2007-04-18, 16:25:07:

Shooter ID'd

April 18, 2007
BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist
The question of who the suspected gunman was in the Virginia Tech shooting rampage was answered Tuesday: Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old South Korean who was a senior at the school.
Cho, who killed himself, was reportedly in possession of a backpack that contained 9mm clips and two knives.

Sneed's online report Monday afternoon stated the initial investigation led law enforcement authorities to a preliminary suspect, who was a man from China.

Details and a description of the preliminary suspect accompanied reports available to law enforcement agencies via a national network checking on possible terrorist activities.

We chose not to print the man's name because authorities were still investigating. The results of ballistics and fingerprint identification had not been completed.

Cho was identified following an analysis of fingerprints and ballistics.

The investigation of this massacre has yet to reveal the identity of the "person of interest" police have mentioned in their press conferences.

Stay tuned.




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