saw so many postgrads wasting their time on abs hopelss and useless projects


送交者: Wood 于 2007-12-08, 10:07:38:

when they nearly finished school
and about to entre uni,
they were told how exciting
it would be to be involved in scientific research.

At uni, they were left almost completely on their own:
uni teachers always look busy:
after these students finished uni
they still didn't know how to use the bloody library.

have seen,for many times,
final year students hugging and weeping with immense fear
when it's approaching xmas and near year
and after exams

Nevertheless, some students got very good exam marks
and degrees of first class
a few went filling shelves in TESCOS
and many started the PhDs
but they don't know snares and man-traps
have been laid ahead in their supervisors' labs

for many reasons,
many among them would become technicians, accountants, consultants, school teachers, and unemployed.
when they realised what they seemed about to do for the rest of their lifetime
everything was little too late



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