This is a surprising claim.


送交者: del 于 2007-12-06, 13:37:05:

 另一个更恶劣的是复旦大学的Tianping Chen, 此人发表很多论文,但同样有
很多论文挂上儿子Hong Chen的大名. 在他的帮助下,Hong Chen也从美国
Notre-Dame大学获得博士学位,师从原上海交大毕业的 R.-W. Liu. 在Hong Chen
博士毕业后并在Sun Microsystems工作时, Tianping Chen 依然挂上儿子的大名.

I know just a little about Prof. Tianping Chen.
He was (and is) a pure mathematician before cooperating with his son. It is clearly, at least to me, that problems considered in those papers came from the research field of his son, not from his own. I think that it is a good example of cooperation between two different fields, though they are fathor and son. After this cooperation, Prof. Chen becomes an expert in the field of network. Many mathematicians in China know this story. Certainly it is not easy to guess who makes main contributions in this cooperation. In fact, when Prof Chen used these papers to get a prize from chinese govement, some people guessed if his son made main contributions.:-)



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