

送交者: demonlx 于 2007-04-15, 19:11:44:

回答: 是国航飞行员英语不好还是肯尼迪空管不专业? 由 4U4luC2 于 2007-04-15, 10:30:10:

dragonlee888 (10 hours ago)
dragonlee888 (10 hours ago)
The ATC will cause some trouble sooner or later.
williamxhero (11 hours ago)
yeah, this controllar didn't speak instructions only but bullshit a lot to confuse the pilot. they are flying ,it is not as easy as siting in the cotrollar tower, and the airline maybe has many american also, so do not bullshit at pilots.
williamxhero (11 hours ago)
I also can tell you many stupid China pilots are flying in the sky because many more stupid controller like this guy still there.
FurryFlyer (13 hours ago)
Actually, I thought American was a foreign language. It sure as hell is not English
huangjinxu (13 hours ago)
this ATC guy is stupid. In this case, he should give his order to the pilot, not ask question.
digdugxh (17 hours ago)
the atc is a jerk
leecry9999999 (18 hours ago)
The STUPID ATC controller should be fired!

He is speaking to a foreigner whose first language is not English, rather than a native american who can understand whatever accents and local dialect.

Why cannot the stupid controller speak a little bit more standard English, at a proper speed and clearer accent??
Finally, is it the right attitude he is using for such an important job? I definitly don't think so!
fmtime (20 hours ago)
Where did those ATC controller's "finish the construction" crap come from? The pilot asked a question. Why gave him an attitude?
vincentdedraak (23 hours ago)
ATC controller is soooooo NOT professional......



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