For 嫦娥, a restricted 3-body problem should be enough.


送交者: steven 于 2007-11-13, 11:31:08:

回答: 我还是没明白计算天王星轨道的时候没必要考虑多体问题(至多加上海王星影响) 由 Amsel 于 2007-11-13, 10:51:15:

Of course, I am not in that program, and I don't know any thing about the detail mission profile. I know that NASA was suggested to do 4-body problem for lunar transfer orbit for performance penalties analysis.

For LEO sats, there is no need to consider other planets, in fact not even moon. But for interplanetary travel, n-body problem should be taken into account. The interplanetary superhighway, (interplanetary Transport Network) is based on chaotic theory and restricted 3-body problem.



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