US attorney patents car helmet for kids


送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2007-11-08, 09:34:36:

回答: 开汽车戴头盔会减少伤亡还是会因为头盔妨碍驾驶增加伤亡如果是前者该不该戴头盔? 由 HunHunSheng 于 2007-11-08, 09:33:09:

US attorney patents car helmet for kids
14:39, Sep 14th 2005
"Half of all motor vehicle deaths result from head injuries," says the Houston Chronicle reporting on a new product from a Harris County attorney. "Given this statistic, and if children must wear helmets when riding a bicycle, then why shouldn't they wear helmets in cars," posits the innovator.
Michael Fleming filed for a U.S. patent in July and plans to seek a manufacturer, says the US newspaper.

The time has come for the development of a helmet that protects children in automobiles, said Fleming.

How can parents convince their children to wear a helmet? asks the Houston Chronicle.

"Children, one might imagine, might be reluctant to put on something that would -- God forbid -- make them look goofy. Or, perhaps, it might even mess up their hair. Fleming realized this...To make the helmet more palatable to kids, Fleming made it compatible with DVD and music players, as well as portable gaming systems.

"In time, he hopes the device will become accepted as a societal norm rather than something kids may be loath to wear."

Perhaps Eric Martlew, the Carlisle MP who wants to make all children wear helmets when cycling, could extend his idea to include children in cars, too?



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