有的圣经考古学家认为上帝是有老婆的。古狗一下god's wife


送交者: gadfly 于 2007-04-12, 10:14:01:

回答: 屎壳螂问:“人拿粪球当饭么?”唉,上帝与人的差别,何止人与屎壳螂的差别! 由 老杨 于 2007-04-12, 09:00:27:

From Wikipedia:

Asherah in Biblical archaeology

Some Biblical archaeologists have suggested that until
the 6th century BC the Jewish people had household
shrines, or at least figurines, of Asherah, which are
strikingly common in the archaeological remains; many of
these seem to make clear that Asherah was seen as
Yahweh's (i.e. God's) wife [3]. These claims about
Biblical history are "not accepted by the majority of
archaeologists and biblical scholars."[4]



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