A father's heart


送交者: 短江学者 于 2007-10-23, 21:03:04:


China is trying to address its pollution problem. In September, the Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration shut down 400 companies for water-pollution violations and suspended 249 other businesses, according to China Daily. And last week China announced a joint campaign with the European Union to clean up China's two largest river basins. The government hopes to have a dramatically cleaner country by August, when it will be host to the Olympics.

It is too late for Zhu's husband. She said that after he got cancer he was unable to work and he reluctantly went for medical treatment.

"He didn't want to go to the hospital because he worried we didn't have enough money to bring up our daughter," she said.

Zhu told CNN she doesn't have time to be sad. All she worries about is caring for daughter and her small plot of land.



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