Apple continues to give something new to the market.


送交者: xinlihuaxys 于 2007-10-23, 18:35:48:

回答: 这一两年眼睁睁看着这些名词发财了:starbucks,wholefoods,crocs,ipod 由 shine 于 2007-10-23, 18:13:56:

Actually Steve Jobs brought to the market the 1st pc, the 1st windows long time ago.
A company without new and good products can not thrive like this.
Many years ago, the Apple without Steve Jobs just nose dive their shares.
Then Steve Jobs came back with annual salary of $1.
Since then, they have kept introducing new products, like iMac, iPod, iPhone...
Don't know what they are going to give us next?



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