a little correction


送交者: Yush 于 2007-10-16, 09:51:22:

回答: Summary on Haowei Zhang Involved in Yangde Zhang's Case 由 Yush 于 2007-10-15, 12:41:07:

Summary on Haowei Zhang Involved in Yangde Zhang's Case

Haowei Zhang, as a member of the Zhang family, gets involved in the nanomedicine scandal together with other family members, including Yangde Zhang's wife Jian Zhou (formerly a cafeteria worker in Xiangya Hospital), brother Yanggen Zhang (formerly a vehicle driver in Xiangya Medical Group), daughter Yaqing Zhang (a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley), and so on.

Haowei Zhang is an associate chairman of the American Association of Nanoscience and Technology [a1] and an associate editor of Nanoscience Journal [a2]. He is also in charge of day-to-day affairs of the Association and the Journal [a3-a5]. The Association was incorporated in Washington State by Yangde Zhang's former student [a6], Yangde Zhang himself being the chairman. "Nanoscience" is the publication of the Association, Yangde Zhang himself being the editor-in-chief. Dr. Shi-min Fang has investigated and verified that those US members of the Association and the Journal have never conducted research in nanoscience; some of them even do not exist in reality. Most of Yangde Zhang's papers were published in Nanoscience and other Chinese journals where he himself being the editor-in-chief.

On May 16, 2004, Haowei Zhang and his colleague, "Professor" William Charles (also a licensed physician in California, license No. A87220), were entitled "top experts in cancer medicine from the State University of New York" in the news reports by Xinhua News Agency and Hunan Daily [a7,a8]. Although they have never been affiliated with SUNY, and never engaged in any nanomedicine research, it was reported that they, in the name of SUNY, "successfully developed jointly" with Yangde Zhang a "nanoparticle-induced cancer hyperthermia system", the so called "world's first high-tech achievement in medicine". For many years, Yangde Zhang has been bragging about this and similar "achievements" which have never been put into practice, and partly based on this, he has obtained huge amount research funding.

As early as 1991, Haowei Zhang, being an undergraduate student at that time, published a conference paper as a co-author with Yangde Zhang in the International Society of Explosives Engineers [a9]. In 2004, he became one of dozens of Ph.D. students under the supervision of Yangde Zhang [a10], although he has been practicing in the US since then. In 2005 and 2006, in the name of "White Memorial Medical Center" or "California Medical Center," being a third or fourth author, he published five journal papers in the Chinese journals where Yangde Zhang is the editor-in-chief.

For detailed information on Yangde Zhang's scandal, see: http://www.xys.org/dajia/zhangyangde.html.



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