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送交者: Wood 于 2007-10-16, 05:18:58:

回答: 白二姐急了! 由 笑笑 于 2007-10-15, 21:47:08:

Imagine the carbon emissions this idiot could have saved if he'd chosen not to have children. It is overpopulation that is the greatest threat to the planet!
- Jenny, Preston, Lancs

Aren't security guards brilliant at grabbing people and frog-marching them out AFTER said people have done something wrong!
- Pc, Merseyside

I find his act totally disrespectful and disgusting. If he had damaged one of these historic pieces what good would he have achieved then?
- Paul, Southampton

He got his 15 mins of fame...
- Glyn, Brantford

Sounds like the security guards are about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
- Johngee, London,England.

I back Mr. Wyness, the Chinese not only have a poor pollution record but poor human rights record. I'm also keenly aware of the process they are playing in world trade. I certainly don't agree with the rest of this antics, grow up Mr. Wyness, you’re setting a poor example to the real idiots.
- Peter, Aberdeen

If this man wants to protest about things then fair enough, but why involve his children?
Let them grow up and make their own minds up about these things.
- Philip Robbins, Southport Lancashire

Cool move... I support this non-harming but high profile action 100%.
- Fritz, High Peak UK

He proves the point, global warming protestors have lost the plot. I hope the Chinese ask for him to be extradited for some crime or other!
- Chris Carr, southampton

And that did what to help the cause?
- Oliver, UK

Another environ-mentalist.

"I know my daughters are proud of me. It was something I had to do to raise awareness of the problem."

I am sure they are mortified that their father doesn't know how to behave like a grown up.

You're an idiot, sir.

- Tony, London

Whilst I usually condone any form of protests by groups or individuals, I can understand fully the actions of this man as, of course, he is right about the amount of pollution that's being caused by China.

- Judith, London, UK



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