About 10 year immediately after the war, in the west,


送交者: Wood 于 2007-10-09, 12:34:16:

回答: 除了没有面面俱到,我看不出他说的有什么不对的。 由 Enlighten 于 2007-10-09, 11:57:39:

People thought science and tech would revolutionise human's life and the society in an immensely rapid fashion.

When people were waiting for good new from the scientists, there followed the 60s, 70s: casual sex, the Vietnam War, the flower people, the new Pope, Kennedy's assassination, the Beatles, and starting the age of yobs and sex & drugs & rock’n’roll.

Now, we are still living on the same planet, living in ordinary homes, sleeping in normal beds, eating roughly 3 meals a day, using regular transports, etc.

Nothing has really changesd.



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