Not necessarily true.


送交者: antilier 于 2007-04-07, 15:48:55:

回答: 那些人都是吃西药不管用才来的。针灸不一定能断根但效果比吃药好得多特别是风湿腰痛 由 chair 于 2007-04-07, 14:27:16:

I believe what your father said. But that is only one physician’s individual experience.

Compliance is one of the most important factors in choosing treatment modalities for patients with chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis and low back pain. Although acupuncture and moxibustion is effective in pain control in some patients for some time, it is very difficult for patients to comply with this treatment option since patients have to visit the acupuncture therapist very frequently (daily or every other day).

Aspirin and ibuprofen, or other non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, are the most commonly used palliative medicines for the degenerative arthropathies. They are taken orally and even once daily. The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is more predictable than acupuncture therapy. However, around 10-20% patients may not comply with NSAIDs due to the side effects. In this case, acupuncture or other alternative and supplementary medicines are recommended to patients.

Modern medicine neither denies nor refuses the effectiveness of the acupuncture in certain carefully selected indications. However, modern medicine does not accept the claim that the acupuncture is equal or superior in treating any clinical disease without seeing valid evidences obtained scientifically.



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