

送交者: asimpleday 于 2007-04-06, 21:35:46:

回答: 方舟子 vs. 王琦 wmv link 由 asimpleday 于 2007-04-06, 21:01:59:

1.I am really not too surprised to hear such 荒谬 and 混乱的 understanding of science from a Professor with so many titles.It seems that he and many others that I know of have limited modern medical science education and misunderstanding in science overall.

2. Professor Wang's logic is ridiculous: why should Fang's 校长's view has any influence on Fang's view? Absurd logic . Not even if Fang's father's view could shut up Fang's view.Independent thinking is not in their lexicon.

3. 撇开讨论的话题,王教授的风度实在难以令人恭维.

4. Professor Wang either 有意混淆概念 or 更本概念不清.

5. I am not totally agree with Fang in some details but Fang overall shows the quality of what a professional should have.Likewise, Professor Wang may have his point in some aspect of the technical detail, but overall unprofessional.

6. Medical ethics is not even in this Professor's conscious awareness when he keeps prescribing stuffs to his patient.

7. This will be a long term argument in China.



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