yes, 太蔟 was right on that


送交者: Wood 于 2007-09-21, 12:09:03:

回答: 很简单,科学技术使人类越来越不依靠体力劳动。另外还有。。 由 bluesea 于 2007-09-21, 08:49:45:

but he did not stop there.

As he wrote:


I think he is wee bit too revolutionary on the trend.

As 太蔟 might wish, mechanical interventions could, in the future, become capable of taking over human efforts, if not completely, in:
_birth control (already done)
_grow fertilized eggs into fetus (research going on with other mammals)
_feed the new-borns and look after them
_educate and discipline the youngsters
_anything else

Liberalized females wouldn't need to have sex with men anymore, unless some of them still want to or need some cash.

太蔟 needs to provide further evidence to show people that living under such fantastic future is better and worth while waiting for.



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