

送交者: Yush 于 2007-08-31, 00:47:09:

回答: 据说肖传国北京高院终审开庭时自称“不为在报纸上出名” 由 Yush 于 2007-08-31, 00:44:56:

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Chinese neurologist "straddles two boats"

China has begun to encourage top ex-patriot scientists to come home. Bringing US$1 million of equipment with him from the US, Chuanguo Xiao was one of the first. But he keeps a post in the West.

by Jie Gao (March 05)

WUHAN, CHINA : The career of Chuanguo Xiao, now Director of the Institute of Urology at Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, was made in a disaster.

At 3:42 am on July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit the sleeping city of Tangshan, in northeastern China. As a young doctor who just graduated from Hubei Medical College, Xiao participated in the Tangshan earthquake rescue work. And he witnessed many earthquake survivors, paraplegic after spinal cord injury and in agony at being unable to micturate (pass urine). This incident left Xiao with unforgettable memories - which motivated him to solve the problem.

Moving to the UK and then the US, he worked on the problem in animal experiments, and showed the potential to create a somatic-autonomic reflex arc, so patients might be able to micturate by scratching.

Then Xiao heard from Chinese urology experts visiting the US about the many Chinese miners left paraplegic by the frequent mine accidents in China. He began to feel the call to come home.

In 1995, in very restricted conditions, Xiao began operations on paraplegic miners at the Pingding Mountain Mine. They succeeded, and by now over 170 patients in all walks of life have regained bladder control after receiving Xiao’s nerve regeneration surgery.

Xiao’s surgery connects the somatic and autonomic nervous systems, and may have broad biological and clinical significance.

Xiao formally returned to China in 1997. Mingzhang Chen, then Minister of Health, invited him back, offering RMB 500 000 (US$ 62 500) as a research start-up fund. And with the approval of the US National Institutes of Health, he also took along with him his complete laboratory, worth US$1 million, in a shipping container - and paid the shipment fee himself.

Appointed Professor and Chairman of the Urology Department Tongji Medical College, he was encouraged by the College to take concurrent posts abroad. So Xiao has continued to serve as a Principal Investigator at the Departments of Urology and Neurosurgery of the New York University School of Medicine.

This policy, allowing expatriate scientists to “straddle two boats at the same time” (in the Chinese idiom) helps Xiao retain his place in international research. He travels back and forth frequently, and is a sought-after researcher and surgeon in both countries.

Compared with research facilities in the US, those in China are still inferior, Xiao told RealHealthNews. But Xiao has finally realized his dream of using his own knowledge to make contributions to his country – and with the help of scientists like him Chinese research is improving fast.



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