

送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2007-08-28, 09:16:20:


Health benefits

Tai chi is said by many teachers to be a pathway for the elderly or infirm to reclaim the natural vigor of youth.Before tai chi's introduction to Western students, the health benefits of tai chi chuan were largely explained through the lens of Traditional Chinese medicine; which is based on a view of the body and healing mechanisms not always studied or supported by modern science. Today, some prominent tai chi teachers have advocated subjecting tai chi to rigorous scientific studies to gain acceptance in the West.[10] Researchers have found that long-term tai chi practice shows some favorable but statistically insignificant effects on the promotion of balance control, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness and reduced the risk of falls in elderly patients.[11] The studies also show some reduced pain, stress and anxiety in healthy subjects. Other studies have indicated improved cardiovascular and respiratory function in healthy subjects as well as those who had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. Patients that suffer from heart failure, high blood pressure, heart attacks, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's may also benefit from tai chi. However, a thorough review of most of these studies showed limitations or biases that made it difficult to draw firm conclusions on the benefits of Tai Chi.[10] There have also been indications that tai chi might have some effect on noradrenaline and cortisol production with an effect on mood and heart rate. However, as with many of these studies, the effect may be no different than those derived from other types of physical exercise.[12]

In one study, tai chi has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in 13 adolescents. The improvement in symptoms seem to persist after the tai chi sessions were terminated. [13] T'ai Chi's gentle, low impact movements burn more calories than surfing and nearly as many as downhill skiing.[14] In addition, a pilot study, which has not been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, has found preliminary evidence that tai chi and related qigong may reduce the severity of diabetes.[15]

A recent study evaluated the effects of two types of behavioral intervention, tai chi and health education, on healthy adults, who after 16 weeks of the intervention, were vaccinated with VARIVAX, a live attenuated Oka/Merck Varicella zoster virus vaccine. The tai chi group showed higher and more significant levels of cell-mediated immunity to varicella zoster virus than the control group which received only health education. It appears that tai chi augments resting levels of varicella zoster virus-specific cell-mediated immunity and boosts the efficacy of the varicella vaccine. Tai chi alone does not lessen the effects or probability of a shingles attack, but it does improve the effects of the varicella zoster virus vaccine. [16]

Now that the majority of health studies have displayed a tangible benefit to the practice of tai chi, some health professionals have called for more in-depth studies to determine mitigating factors such as the most beneficial style, suggested duration of practice to show the best results, and whether tai chi is as effective as other forms of exercise.[10


另外還太極拳可以減輕年輕人注意力缺陷多動障礙(多動症)患者。太極拳的舒緩動作所燃燒的熱量甚至超過衝浪、接近滑雪。太極拳提高免疫系統方面的功能十分顯著,一直表現發病率降低焦慮、抑鬱、情緒不安整體,(見以下引文研究)。 一項試驗研究已發新證據顯示,太極拳及相關氣功有助於減輕糖尿病。[1]

最新研究證明,太極拳的練習增強免疫系統,對老年人抵抗帶狀皰疹有幫助。這項由UCLA的Michael Irwin博士領導的研究,其結果出現在四月號的《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》上。[2]



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