and 气喘game. -induced by hyperventilation - hypocapnia


送交者: cornbug 于 2007-04-03, 12:32:01:

回答: 哮喘和气喘一回事么? 由 HunHunSheng 于 2007-04-03, 12:16:56:

The choking game, also known by large number of other names (see end of article), is not technically a game but a schoolyard activity involving the inducement of unconsciousness or near unconsciousness by restriction of the supply of oxygen to the brain. The highly dangerous activity is traditional and world-wide, passed down for generations in schoolyards, summer camps and neighborhoods. Practitioner demographics are strongly weighted towards juvenile males but includes females and adults of both genders. The activity has been responsible for a large number of juvenile deaths and permanent neurological disabilities almost entirely among the juvenile male cohort. There are estimates that as many as 250 to 1,000 young people die in the United States each year playing some variant of the choking game. Tracking the exact number is difficult because many of the cases are reported as suicides.[1]



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