that's not true,


送交者: wanglee 于 2007-08-17, 19:15:55:

回答: 趁人少偷偷告诉你个秘密经验: 由 校长 于 2007-08-17, 18:49:03:

Finding a small company which will make a big bang in the long run is even harder than trading. If you have such a vision I would suggest to open your open company instead of betting on someone else. anyway FA is still important, that's how you pick a company to enter instead of just pick a random company that jump up and down like crazy. A good trader make a lot of money. The truth is that there are people getting rich by betting lots of money on a cheap company(like buying sina at 1 bucks), but have you heard such person repeating this kind of success again? Nope. It is just luck, not capability.



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