So what?


送交者: micro 于 2007-07-25, 11:55:58:

回答: 猜猜谁是世界上最大的银行(市值)? 由 校长 于 2007-07-25, 10:35:08:

China government has the power to make the biggest bank, biggest oil company, biggest xxx in the world. It is the most powerful government in the world.

The value of my apartment in Shenzhen purchased in 2003 is more than triple now. But if it is a bubble, it is a bubble doomed to burst.Just go back to check 1999/2000 newspaper in US.

You'll see the China economy continue to grow.CCP has the power to drive the GDP higher and higher. There will be not economy crisis in China but social crisis. When the bubble burst, it not the economy but the society collapses. Let's wait and see.



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