

送交者: vs 于 2005-10-23, 03:08:49:

回答: mortgage intersts are not dedutiable anymore??? 由 qlyus 于 2005-10-22, 21:00:11:

-->On ther other side, do not simply say Bush is STUPID. He is the president elected by people
-->You are enjoying your freedom of speech. You can say any words to Bush without trouble.
-->You were nothing when you came to this country. Now you are enjoying your middle class life.
告诉你我是来读研究院的,读完后又是作为美国需要的人才留下来为美国经济繁荣作贡献的,不是"nothing"。这句和我说Bush "Stupid" 有什么联系?难道我的"middle class life" 是总统赐的,所以我要对他歌功颂德?
-->Dare you go back China and say the same words to CCP and Hu?

Bush is not only stupid, he is also ignorant and stubborn. His stupidity showed in so many places. Most recently, House majority leader Tom Delay was indicted on criminal charges of conspiracy to violate election laws and on charges of money laundering and had to resign his position as the majority leader. But the next day, Bush came out and said that Tom is his good friend and firm ally, blah, blah.... If Tom Delay is convicetd (I think it's very likely), then Bush is a "friend and ally" of a criminal!
Bush Administration cheated the whole country on the WMD, the most compelling reason for the Iraq war. For the famous WSJ journalist who challenged the Admin's nuclear material claim, Bush or Cheney's office even broke federal law to leak the journalist's spouse name (a CIA agent). According to most recent poll, Bush's approval rate is now only 30-40%. I'm sure if there is election now, he will be voted out of office.
Iqaq war costs now 1996 young American lives, and he still wants to stay there. Is he stubborn?
"Stupid" is a very mild word comparing to how the major media portraited him. I remebered one time Fox had a short comedy (Fox used to have this show every Sat. or Sunday to play jokes on those highest executives). In the show, Barara Bush is asking Bush for something, but Bush acted like fool (don't remember exactly how Bush was doing). Then Babara said to herself: "I didn't know I shouldn't drink during pregnancy". (Means my son is mentally challenged because I drank during pregnacy).
Yes, I enjoy the freedom in this country, you can do or say anything, as long as you don't break the law.



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