我所知道的一件事 by 李骏 (Jun Li) from Stanford


送交者: sssa 于 2005-10-07, 11:46:19:

送交者: 李骏 2005年10月06日21:13:17 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com

It was with great disturbance to glance through the posting >: based on what I know, it has exaggerated and distorted many facts. To not follow the rampant “he said, she said” postings under anonymity, I shall refrain from commenting on any others except one place where I was directly referred to, quote:


---cited from >(3) by 天地正气

The mentioned student of Prof. Yau is me: 李骏 (Jun Li) from Stanford University; the mentioned 院士 is a xxxxer teacher and a friend of mine (abbre. Prof. A); I have not had any contact with the other coauthor of that book (abbre. Prof. B). To set the record straight, I will recall what I have experienced on this matter.

A few years ago, Prof. Yau was seeking collaborator(s) to transxxxx the notes of his lectures in Berkeley and Taipei into a book; Prof. A took on the job. Half way through the project, Prof. A invited Prof. B to write part of the book based on Prof. B’s simplified approach to a classical problem. Jointly they completed the first draft of the book. When Prof. Yau saw its preprint version, he was puzzled because he was not part of the authorship of the book. Hearing from Prof. Yau, I volunteered to talk to Prof. A on this. Over the phone, Prof. A confirmed to me that it was his intention all along that Prof. Yau would be part of the authorship. Only at the end he began to wonder if Prof. Yau would agree so since the final version did not meet Prof. Yau’s original expectation. “We will add Prof. Yau’s name if he has no objection,” he told me over the phone. We agreed that he would talk to his coauthor before making final decision.

A few months later, Prof. A told me in his office that his coauthor, for his own reason, was reluctant to share the authorship of the book with Prof. Yau. At this moment, the whole situation was clear to both Prof. A and me: Prof. Yau should be part of the authorship because the whole project began with his long and detailed notes; on the other hand, Prof. B’s opinion must be reckoned for he was not inxxxxed properly when he was invited to join the project.

Without going into the details, I told Prof. Yau the reluctance of Prof. A’s partner. On hearing that, Prof. Yau immediately inxxxxed me that he would rather give up the authorship should that be the case.

Hearing this news the second day, Prof. A was relieved because a potential dispute due to his lack of communicating fully with his junior coauthor was averted at the grace of Prof. Yau.

This was what I experienced. Personally, I will not blame anybody on anything over this matter: it is a story of four people who tried and succeeded in resolving a potential dispute caused by unforeseen misunderstanding. And Prof. Yau, by withdrawing early on, has shown his integrity and professionalism in resolving this matter.

I wrote this with my name signed because I can not tolerate such a simple fact be so distorted for reason beyond my comprehension.



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