一元敲开的门“ 再译


送交者: xj 于 2005-8-31, 16:16:59:

一 位刚毕业的女大学生来到一家公司应聘财务会计工作。当面试时,因公司想招聘有经验的资深会计,所以女大学生立即遭到拒绝。但她并没有因此而灰心离开。她诚 恳地对主考官说:“请再给我一次机会,让我参加完笔试。”主考官拗不过她,就让她参加了笔试。结果她很顺利地通过了笔试。最后由人事经理亲自复试。



“您刚才说了,有消息就打,言下之意就是,没有录取就不打了。”人事经理似乎对这个姑娘产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是又问;“如果你没有被录取,我打电话的话, 你想知道些什么呢?”“请告诉我,在什么地方我没有达到贵公司的要求,我可以努力改进。至于那一元钱,给没有录取的人打电话不属于公司的正常开支,所以这 个电话费应该由我付。请您一定打。”



综合陈德长,viscan, 和jianxh 的翻译,再加上偶自己的。

A fresh female college graduate went to a company to apply for an accountant position. While in the interview, she was immediately turned down because the company wanted to hire a senior accountant. Instead of leaving dejectedly, she pled with the interviewer, "Please at least give me another chance to take the written exam." Unable to dissuade her, the interviewer allowed her to take the exam. It turned out that the girl passed the written exam with the highest score. Then she proceeded to a final interview with the human resources manager.
The HR manager was impressed by her exam score. However, the girl told the manager frankly that she had no relevant experience except for being a student accountant in the college student congress, which disappointed the manager. Having nothing more to say, the manager reluctantly wrapped up the interview session, “That's all for today’s interview. We will let you know if anything comes up.”
The girl got up on her feet, produced one yuan from her pocket, and handed it to the manager with both hands. "Would you please call me no matter whether I am hired or not?" she asked the manager.

The latter was stunned by this but recovered momentally, "how on earth do you know we will not call those whom we reject?"

"You just said that you will call me if I shall be given the job. That means you won't call those who are not given the job."

The manager became strongly interested in this girl and asked further, “What would you like us to tell you if you are not given the job?”

“I would like to know in what respect I fail to meet the requirements for this position, thus I can make further improvement. The one yuan is for the phone call because it may not be the liability of the company to pay for calling the rejected applicants. Please do call me.”

The manager smiled and said, “Please take it back. I will not call you because I am now informing you that you are officially hired. You can come to work tomorrow.”

Thus, with just one yuan, the girl knocked open the door of opportunity.



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