For public figures


送交者: 吴礼 于 2005-8-18, 18:40:34:

回答: I mean 由 sssa 于 2005-8-18, 14:21:22:

I think any newspaper can publish any opinions from anyone towards public figures like Mr. Bush. On the other hand, if a newspaper publishes an allegation (i.e., something that claims to be fact), then the person in question should have the right to confirm or deny it. For Mr. Bush, I don’t think that’s a problem. In fact, I think he or his spokes person will have a hard time evading the responses.

So, in the case of Qiu vs. Tian, I think it is OK for the newspaper to publish Qiu’s comments without prior approval from anyone. However, the newspaper should provide Tian with an opportunity to respond.

This may not be the actual issue. Maybe Tian is just upset that the report came out at all. If this is true, well, too bad for him.

Besides, this, I still have reservations on what Qiu did. In his speech, I don’t think he used Tian as an example to prove his point. I think Tian is the point. As he said, he needs to make a statement about Tian, to exclude Tian from his “umbrella of protection”, so others can also criticize Tian’s alleged wrong doings. But it is not well sounded to link Tian’s behavior with the Chinese academic circle. After all, Tian was also trained in the US and is still a professor in a top US university. His problem is as much US as Chinese.



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