2. Most if not all clinical trials are carried out by clinicians


送交者: 大胖星 于 2005-6-25, 19:47:48:

回答: 2 and 3 were actually from an NPR report 由 吴礼 于 2005-6-25, 19:00:24:

and sometimes these will result in publications with the permission of the company. As for preclinical research, outside scientists do carry out research for drug companies and often receive payments for that. Again these may result in publications. It may even happen that paper includes data from the company's own research, but those usually have coauthors from the company and should be seen as collaborations rather than bribe. I did see situations where scientists or clinicians presents company's data in sponsored meetings, but those usually are clearly clarified.

3. I don't work in journals so that I cannot be in the know for sure, but I doubt very much that the editorial decisions in most respectable journals will be affected by the publishers. For one, most referees and editors are not paid by the journals and to say that they will act for the financial benefits of the journal is just ludicrous.



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