How long will pet canine live?


送交者: bobonono2 于 2022-05-11, 21:20:04:

回答: 得开个主贴。怎么这么多人没听说底特律的房价之低? 由 Amsel 于 2008-10-03, 14:39:56:

Many elements affect how long your dog will stay, making average lifespans handiest in part useful.

Take as an instance the Chihuahua. Lifestyles expectancy from age 0 is 7.9 years. You may assume therefore that there isn't always a lot factor in rescuing a six-12 months-antique Chihuahua at a dogs home due to the fact the average age at loss of life for the breed shows you may simplest get to spend much less than two years with it.



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