the report is quite incomplete


送交者: charm 于 2021-05-12, 05:30:36:

回答: 中国疫苗不管用? 由 邯郸学步 于 2021-05-08, 10:49:58:

1. what are the numbers? or india's number? the paper never mentioned these key figures. India has a large population denominator and many of its people may not have been tested.

2. 70% is not high, bare in mind that to reach herd immunity you would need to discount the number by the efficacy of the vaccine. i.e. if the Chinese vaccine has an efficacy of 70% then u would need to get 70%/70% = 100% people vaccinated. In other words, if Israel has used mRNA vaccine which is 90%+ effective, it only needs to vaccinate 77% of its people to get the 70% herd threshold. In other words, perhaps only mRNA can help u get herd immunity. Whilst the traditional vaccines only help to protect the individuals.



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