We human beings should learn


送交者: kma 于 2021-03-07, 14:44:07:

回答: 一战1918 殊死决战 由 胡一刀 于 2021-03-07, 10:30:31:

It,s good that ww3 is highly unlikely, but far from enough.

We still have and improve nukes.

After ww1, league nations were set, many talk about forever peace and even discussing making war illegal. But 100 yrs later, we still talk about war too easily. We use the word war too easily.

Cold War, tariff war, trade war, war of words, comparing coved death # to war #.

I sincerely hope one day people treat the word war like taboos such as the n word.

A human life is way more meaningful than 100 yrs ago. Let we all die not related to war. Perhaps homicide will last a while. But we sure can Say no to war.

Very simply:
international : illegal to use war to change status quo. That,s why it,s dangerous to allow Azerbaijan to grab land through war.

UN should simply ask can you guys settle disputes peacefully? If not we have to send PK forces between your guys ( Korea DMZ is a good test)

Domestically: violent uprising should not be allowed, even if it,s evil regimes like NK or Syria.

Of course, all I s just a fantasy. None of the big 5 interested.

Still, America, I must say, now is the biggest obstacle.



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