Pentagon study: Low risk of contracting COVID-19 on planes


送交者: jhuang 于 2020-11-23, 20:52:27:

回答: 美军说坐飞机不会传染新冠,新西兰的研究正好相反 由 jhuang 于 2020-11-23, 05:21:24:

The risk of contracting an airborne virus such as COVID-19 is very low when traveling aboard a large commercial aircraft when most people are wearing masks, according to a Defense Department-led study released Thursday.

A U.S. Transportation Command-backed study found that due to air particle filtration and ventilation systems, 99.99 percent of particles released into the air from an infected person wearing a mask were removed from the aircraft cabin within six minutes of being released.

Even if someone were sitting directly next to an infected passenger, 99.7 percent of the virus particles around them would be removed in that timeframe, the study found. That’s roughly 15 times faster than the particles would take to dissipate in an average home and five to six times faster than in a modern hospital.



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