As I said, politics has to be counted in


送交者: kma 于 2018-09-18, 17:09:14:

回答: 095屁股坐错了地方。 由 短江学者 于 2018-09-18, 15:35:02:

In international issues.

Rarely we see any nation criticize own people and praise others, that's exactly the " ass" issue.

China is a middle level nation, Chinese is also middle level civilized. It is unfair to use developed nation standards to ask developing people.

I don't find much problem with china government standings on this issue. Reminding own citizens to behave well is of course essential, actually china already has so called black list to restrict bad citizens going abroad; on the other hand when own citizens are not treated properly, the government should of course bat for them.

Years ago there was hot argument on poll showing Chinese were #2 on worst international tourist list, I were curious, who,s no1? It was the US!

Again I reiterate my point, there are two issues here, both sides have room to improve, it is fine to review and correct unruly behaviors of Chinese; on the other hand it is also essential for Chinese to protect own interests as much as possible in international stage, considering there is always biased on world issues, it is especially crucial the government should always come out and hold own citizen interest as no1 issue.

Bottom line, don,t use double standards. Especially china never claim to be a world leader on human rights, freedom, rule of law,whereas the US, Sweden do exactly the opposite.



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