0.1, 0.2,0.5,safe than sorry


送交者: kma 于 2020-04-24, 18:49:01:

回答: Death rate should be higher than 0.1% 由 kma 于 2020-04-24, 17:44:23:

Just too much unknowns about this virus, a little numerical change means tens hundreds of thousands deaths difference in big nations.

Why California is so different from ny, Vancouver from Seattle, Asia from western world, Germany from other big euro nations? Too many ideas, too little sure things, in the mean time people are keep dying.

I find almost every specific part of Chinese way is with some merits, for example, the most controversial one, snatching people out of their own families , probably significantly decreased intra house infections. Dr birx said Korea did similar thing, I don,t know if it,s true or not.

As for coverup, definitely China didn’t,t specify the seriousness to outsiders, for example, early Jan call between xi and trump, xi likely ensured trump China can take of care of it. But it,s understandable, China never would sound panic to outside world, no matter what issue, and xi ,s view on covid surely was different between early Jan and mid, otherwise wuhan already quarantined way earlier.

Every place reacted quite slowly, except TW. As the 1st outbreak place, China simply has more excuses for delayed reaction, esp it,s near spring festival, unless very certain, xi would not take dramatic actions, most leaders not either.

The real issue with China is this, as fang showed many examples, the lack of empathy and respect for human rights when carrying policy out.

Say, when you forces others to wear masks, limit freedom, taking people out of their own home, at least you could show sympathy, try some explanation, or later give good ones during news brief.

The worst case in my mind is this, a detainee father begged to save his special need son who was alone in the house, later the son died alone.

Remember this, all those horrifying things were carried out not by xi or high officials, but no name officials , probably you and me know some of them or even have them as friends or families.

As always China,s problem is complicated, lies in with every one of us.



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