Stop obsession with testing


送交者: kma 于 2020-03-30, 11:03:00:

回答: How Vietnam is winning its 'war' on coronavirus 由 jhuang 于 2020-03-29, 23:40:03:

All medical resources are already overstretched, wasting it on testing is making no sense.

If one wants to know the spread profile, focus on serious cases, use these to reverse estimate the pattern. As long as same standard used, consistency would be roughly maintained.

Besides, minor or no symptom cases are too many, too impractical to follow. And nations keep arguing about infection numbers, what a waste?!

Focus on protecting vulnerable groups, presume everyone already infected, use that as guideline to proceed.

Those people in NYC waiting in long lines, long hours to be tested, I just want to scream , please please go home, let sane people all stop this fiasco.

As always, I don't put blame on politicians much, scientists like GAO and fauci should shoulder the biggest blame unless secrets unknown there. I am sure some time in January, in feb, xi asked GAO, trump or pence asked fascinating, how sure you are?



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