the key Q: influenza or new virus which more dangerous


送交者: kma 于 2020-01-24, 14:58:16:

回答: 老方可能错了。 由 bluesea 于 2020-01-23, 22:02:20:

fang should write a long pop science review on this topic.

so far there is no evidence saying the new virus is stronger (WHO and american scientists all say so)?

unless cover up of key facts, people should go on life as usual. use common sense enough, wash hands and faces frequently. at most cancel events and avoid crowds.

after this latest scare over, china really needs to do more:

1. sharply cut down wild life markets. only ones for safe animals are allowed, this also should apply to hunting.

2. promote influenza vaccine. as far as i know, little done on this, most chinese don't do or know.

3. pop science education. unfortunately there is only one fang, and he is banned from mainland. it's really stupid: at this enlightenment level of most chinese, the government was forced to do radical stuff like shutdown of 10 mil mega city. though it's understandable, politicians have to do sth when crisis time, even most meaning nothing useful. if more educated like western world, people would not be so scared by all these.



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