the key is violence or not


送交者: kma 于 2019-09-17, 13:55:19:

回答: 靠暴力压制人民表达意见维持政权的活该得到暴力 由 bluesea 于 2019-09-17, 08:33:39:

i said the same thing about white racist in america.

doesn't matter what kind of view, the deal breaker is violence. when liberals say there is no place for white supreme racism, they need to clear say no violence. it's good the one who used auto to kill 1 woman in virginia got life; but just keep in mind, it has nothign to do with political belief. if a left used car to kill a white racist, that should be life too.

HK government (or ccp) was really stupid to try that bill, but that is no excuse for violence. it's good the government now formerly withdrew it, but even if it's not, there's still no room for violence.

HK is a proud mostly for its rule of law. then everything should be subeject to law, no one is above, nothing is above. when lee ks-shing recently asked "special treament" for protesters, that is wrong, plain and simple.

and also keep in mind, even if protest is peaceful, arrest might still happen, as there is lots of rules and restrictions on protest, it is not easy to be ghandi, mandela or king. rights nad duty are twins, never forget that.



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