rights and duties


送交者: kma 于 2019-08-23, 14:30:30:

回答: article23 also in basic law 由 kma 于 2019-08-23, 14:07:13:

most chinese who admire america only like to think america as the beacon for freedom, democracy, and human rights, they should know america is also the place for law and order. it's a nation built around laws and lawyers. it has one of highest ratio of felons per capita among all advanced nations.

HK and TW politicians are at ease showing violence in legislature, yet it's political suicide in america. just shouting "you lie" at obama got a republican congress person in deep trouble.

those chinese only see americans enjoy the freedom of protesting, they don't notice the restrcitions surrounding it. even peaceful protest might still be considered breaking certain rule and order resulting in arrests, such as those protesting keystone pipelines. let laone those protesters who use violence.

i don't see hK police much different from western ones. all nations governments protect polices, even the NY policeman who choked garner took 5 years only resulting in losing job (he said would appeal), why so harsh on hK police?

only when chinese move to america, then they realize the new land has so many rules, restrictions. on many issues ameirc is at odds with china. things prohibited in china ok in america and vice versa. no wonder many came back to china as soon as they got citizenships.

it is ironic that most poor chinese who got relatively much less benefits form 40 years of growth are quite satisfied with ccp rule; yet those middle upper class who got so much often complain!?



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