good will can only do so much


送交者: kma 于 2024-03-05, 11:43:54:

回答: 据说地球人类增长太快,饥饿问题越来越严重 由 silxirt 于 2024-03-04, 15:39:06:

recently i have been both on cruise and went out eating buffet, the food waste was !!! what's the saddest part? few people really want to waste food, they just "innocently" take too much without realizing either they have limited stomach or they can get tired of bigger portion.

if it's just america, this world maybe still is manageable, but china not much better, despite xi's focus on cutting food waste, the dominant culture is still saving face much more important on being viewed as "cheap", no matter rich or poor.

it's like charity's role on narrowing income gap, people good will can only serve as auxiliary role, the key is still to provide enough decent jobs, but with ever grwoing population its near impossible



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