Past and present are two separate issues


送交者: kma 于 2023-11-02, 10:18:35:

回答: Israel is America,s daddy 由 kma 于 2023-11-02, 10:05:24:

Jew past suffering we should never forget , and Israel and Jew community can and should keep write down a list asking what us, UN,world should do more to compensate on that issue. World will and should listen.

What Israel has done to Arabs esp palestines are apartheid at least, way worse tha. Former South Africa, if west keep saying China did genocide in xij and Tibet, than Israel definitely Fahd done the same thing, bibi should be refereed to icc, just as Hamas leaders should too.

two separately issues, never forget that. Just the same line should be dawn on Arab or palestines, Hamas should be eliminated and tried as a terrorist group, but in the mean time Israel must be held accountable for its crimes too.



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