Mishandling classified documents is a felony, thanks to Trump


送交者: ASH 于 2022-08-10, 15:57:49:

回答: The bottom line is that Trump likely committed a federal crime. 由 ASH 于 2022-08-10, 14:42:40:

Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”

Previously, someone found guilty of this crime could face up to one year in prison. Now, a person convicted of violating this law can face up to five years in prison ― making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.

Could 2018 Trump have unknowingly put 2022 Trump in a tough spot?

We don’t yet know.



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